Yesterday was the first day of the month of April the 90th of 365 days in 2017. Have asked yourself what you have being thinking for 90 days.
We all think everyday if not everytime as some people do. I sat and asked myself this funny question.
What are the types of thinkers we have???
This is a new month what am i thinking or what should i think of???
After so many months of thinking I finally found out that we have two kinds of thinkers namely :
Impossibility thinkers are people who make swift,sweeping pass over a proposed idea,scanning it with a sharp negative eye,looking only for the distasteful aspects. They look for reasons why something won’t work instead of visualizing ways in which it could work. So they are inclined to say”NO” to a proposal never giving the idea fair hearing.
Impossibility thinkers are also people who impulsively and swiftly give reasons why it can’t be done or why it is a bad idea or who someone tried it and failed or the cost.
They suffer from serious perilous mental malignancy I name impossibility complex. They are problem imaginators ,failure predictors,trouble visualizers,obstacle envisioners, cost estimators their attitude create doubt,fear and fatigue they are worry creators,optimism deflator,confidence breakers and at the end positive idea buried,dreams destroyed and project smashed.
If you think you fall into an impossibility thinker am happy for you because their is a way out for you just relax and if you think you are possibility thinker take heed less you might be infected because it contagious.
Watch out for the part 2 and subsequent lifestory of think .
Where do you think you fall?
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